To save hundreds of lives is more I could do in anyway possible. It brings a perspective to the words we throw around. You know how precious life is.

Her #1 mean average demographic is young urban islamic females.

I choose Shapiro, not Walz.

I brought you agility and authenticity but the phonies never give me credit.

When you walz don't, go for salsa dancing instead.

As we try to get somewhere?

Very random Taylor Swift!

If you can't read the writing on the walls then I can't help..

The irony of this.

If it makes you laugh..

Not always pretty.

Can you buy what he is saying?

Is this the right time for a democrat majority?

Fit to be president?

Now we have Mordor for Real!

Today Putin blew up a few hills.

Proof of God here!

Trump never explained what happened in the courts!

The bloodiest of all regions.

As not seen on TV.

God might exist, as the universe could be highly intelligent and capable. Dark matter the most complex hoax in the universe and making up a large part of it, confused humans for decades. Perfect for the universe.

Those who wish to stop thinking soon die, but aren't aware of that going on.

Time will repeat itself because of perpetual motion, because that connects us with history sometimes, for good and evil.

My first thoughts about time happened on Market Street before the to explain. Watching people walk through red lights, was fascinating to me. I imagined legs going through invisible time jumps that only increased their perpetual moment given the situation. That led me to seeing that time is faster rather than slower and we are living in some force caused by times relentless speed. Not so easy to relax sometimes.

Transforming a people.

It seems that we need more corrupt spaces with crooked lines and mixed up halls of propaganda and reprogrammed children to walk upon us.

In the end she married MISTER FART BLASTER, and lived in a land of talent and stress.

The clock in your head is ringing, time for tea.

Russia must beware of the real Helmet Men Brigades, storming like wolves across the plains, taking people up with blades, as they near their destiny they scream, they break things and dare.

A dog seems like love and fur all cute and fun, so you want a good time, get a ball and biscuits, rub the butt, dance with the dog, poop the dog, piss it, and clean it.

They aren't exactly fond of Palestinians, no, they like the fashion, the power, and the action, they like screaming people down, they like forming a mob, going bezerker, and hating hard.

It was a cat walk that got her running, up those trees, onto the highest branches, and dangling like a ripe fruit in the sun, the passion is bouncing fast.

I can be a magician, but its mainly God speaking, getting to know you and everyone, you wonder about such magic, when there is no system or logic.

Being alone is not easy to master, you think life is good, they show you disaster, you think you are cool, now you think I'm a fool, and you don't go by the rules, a bat out of hell.