You can't overplay this song during these times.

The song the caused Hamas to explode into little pieces.

I believe that time is more fundamental than space, especially with the higgs and quantum physics, space is of secondary importance, and therefore the bending of space. It is not as interesting as it used to be.

With out the big bang why do some people act like physics is over with. I just can't understand that.

At first Bill Hole must have been bald, but that never happened to him. He has a good head of hair. His ears are a bit larger than expected, making him seem like the listening type, but upon seeing his dark eyes it is obvious that his ears don't work very well.

Fiction or not to be.

When ever I get Lincoln Ghost Stories as I recently did I am irked by the missing part that I found somewhere that fails to get told. That is that directly after his death his ghostly going on's were frequent, and rebuilding the white house was done as attempt likely to stop this nonsense. Or should I say humor.

What a secret is? When you find one then it takes you to another and another and amazingly out beyond the original secret so far that few could understand it.

Two kings.

Russian losses are real, and could turn into a crisis. It looks like a nation that wins always, may do the wrong thing, I mean please..

They lost their way on the day the locusts came, staring at the dying insects that failed, they trampled them like herd animals, forgetting all things good, violence onto insects, humans good.

A little sugar needed.

People fear diplomacy.

Mission Impossible.

Palestinians are not victims, taken as a whole, in their history, they did not ever have a nation even. Which should tell you that wanting Palestine is both absurd, ironic, and dishonest It never existed, but the activities fit being absurd, ironic and dishonest. In that pursuit of an imaginary goal, that because more weird, and the region more weird and wrapped in myth and superstition, conspiracy theory, rage, and eventually the greatest of Greek Tragedy ever written for the western world.

I never understood how a person using extreme power would feel better about themselves as a result.

Technology has succeeded in getting us to isolate enough to live in outer space once we use technology to destroy everything.

Never take a grenade from someone, let them put it in their own mouth and let it explode.

I have heard that people would often prefer to go to hell when they die, saying: At least my friends will be down there.

People kill that which offers them hope.