Oh have faith fine sir light of the world, good is on its way like cake, absurdly sublime, many good times so callu calla enjoy your days, be wise and shine, you do, break those blues, out weird spot with tidal smile detergerent for the smelly stuff!

We live in the age of brevity and wit and not the age of bulky novels.

Leslie Perry (thanks)

Your poem made me very happy.

Rabbit hole so evil..

never what a hole would seem

Sweet spot of a dream

Yet wretched shapes of being

Gnash their teeth

Sometimes scream

To distort the picture on the cave


With creepy paintings of


The doors remain hidden

Hardly a dream at all

A computer hides behind the


You return to sanity

As the clock is ticking


Mad watch smashed hard

And flowers freeze in showers


It was far away

Formula one came

A flying car

Just for fun

Bees make flowers

Fruit dripping juice

Love this good life
