America was not born with the idea of people being ruled by elites. That is what the revolution was about and the declaration of independence. Man is born free, not to die on his knees.

Trump's age is better than Kamala's maturity.

From here we get her?

My fear of the radical far left gen Z looks like this a bit.

This is also Oakland.

Please, no sympathy for the devil.

Why Ukraine is winning: Innovation is fast when you have no choice.

Russia is fighting math now.

This man moves me sometimes in a very profound way.

What is my science point of view: I suppose reality is different than what you see and hear. There is a hidden reality besides the atomic world. There is an idealized version and a pessimistic one. It is up to us to find the more uplifting direction, and that may take us through hell. The end of the ride could be nice and turn into a picnic party.

Ah love, what a concept, holding hands by the sea at the ends of the earth, kissing suddenly while the explosions are felt, forever love sung as our skins melt.

If you were fighting for your life you would be a different person.

This is not someone to love.

What happens when Leftists get too Powerful!

The #1 cause of Kamala losing Michigan was her fear of losing Michigan. Crazy thing to say.

It can happen, so lets not allow that!

A perfect commander in chief of the Israeli Military?!

The dire prophesy of the Ukrainian Doubling Cube is actually happening. Russia is in a bad position.

Those towers that fell, should they mean the American fall, or not? You decide.

Who said pigs can't dance!

Swim where the cats are carefully.

For Gen Z!

A most unwise twist.

Every so often I like to write about UFOs and Aliens. I think they would be a bird like species because they prefer flying rather than landing to walk on the earth. Like many birds they enjoy watching humans, and have no secret motive. After a visit they quickly return to where they came and show their bird friends what they saw. In other words there would be no risk if they came once in a while.

I love to help, and wish to by creating amazing fiction. I hope that the crisis level will go down soon, unless we are addicted and then I predict our certain doom. The land of the dead could be described as you wish.

You may not like the amount of children that died in Gaza, but from a military perspective Israel has succeeded against seven militaries, which is incredible, even from God perhaps.

Am I at home on the right? I am not sure. It doesn't really matter. If my old home started to reek I eventually exit. That's me.

The plane left for the shores of Aberdine, where the smartest cruelest ladies be. The birds had found a strange pool of water, began swimming in circles. A boat left for far away places when dawn caused a rainbow over the hill. Their brave hearts were full of roses in full bloom.

Morality shifts.

The winner can only be one.

You can't always trust a donkey!