We all love London Town.

To Australia with Love mate.

Some days just make me laugh, because the crows come out, now there are five, a bit insecure, but they have hearts of gold, they preen as the drink and play in the puddles, they so glad to see me.

Activists always fall in love.

Please disagree with me.

A bad day for Hitler.

Why this guy?

Don't be a useful idiot.

Einstein would be happy to find out that now that quantum physics has been proven, people want to reject as too weird. Yes physics is already weird, but physicists tend to be wonderfully weird. So we can joyfully return to Einstein's world, while he gets the last laugh.

My struggles have shown me that when it comes to peace we can have no enemies. Peace is achieved by having the reality of peace as a desired prize. So perhaps people in strife can be given a taste of peace, like a delicious piece of pie or cake, and they will want it. Then we work at being better friends, to break the enemy relationship.

Thank you for standing on the right side of history. Big Hug.

The mind could cause time travel, but to what effect?

The odds of time travel are about 1,000,000,000,0000 to 1. Those are my kind of odds.

If far left Jew Haters got their way many important Jews would hop on a plane and move to Israel. This of course would cause America to lose capital, in terms of wealth generated through taxes, but would also be a brain drain, lastly some jobs would not be easily replaced, then international scorn would be dumped on this country, finally it would sink in the mud.

Say goodbye to your nice and peaceful protests for Palestine (A place that never existed!) Violence to replace virtue warriors. Truth comes out!

The problem with time is that it can seem oppressive when hours seem so long. Some would use repetitive behavior as if to free themselves from the anxiety. We are not such simple animals, but we are prone to make this big mistake.

By the order of loving kindness I order England to do this instead of massive protests:

The fun has just begun!

If we found your heart in the woods.

I sense we have a Mench.

Pro Palestinians go cry me a river.