Peace is the pledge.

I must fear evil when it comes.

This blog is popular and its easy to see why! Where else are you going to go mostly?

How is Ukraine doing? I think that remains to be seen. ( Are they ahead of the rest of the world in some areas?)

In America you can't be a centrist. You will get ripped in two.

A thoughtful response should not reveal gleaming ignorance sucking at you like an enormous black hole.

If some people don't think there are human costs to war I wonder what they are thinking about?

My prediction is a post apocolype is coming this year. It could happen anytime and might have already happened in some places. We fail to see what is in front of our noses.

Can you not see the connection to brutal rapists and kidnappers of old people and young to this or that?

With Vodka, comes bad commands.

From Hamas to this?

We must remember many things.

I don't understand the extremely brutal hamas attack leading to fanatical pro Palistine white people risking their lives on the street singing from river to the sea. Thats just me though.

Ukraine was going into the dust bin of history. I think not!

That's me: Top Gun!

Asia that Jews know are China, Philopenes, and India. In case Europe fails us, and other places. I am ready.

Injustice might be nicer on other planets.

Get smarterer.

It's gets better with the M brand.

This is the best museum for Holocuss Deniers!

My new nemesis!

Bonfires in Palistine claim of massive fires debated at UN.

Dangers ahead!

I got married to a strange wierdo. I can't tell what is going on..