Delights innfinite chocolate.

Not to be missed!

Soon out of the shire and into the frying pan.


Yes, poets can think.

Or simply don’t think.

California is turning pink again!

As I understand it Jews savior complex happened before their persecution complex which came after their inferiority complex and after they tipped double or triple on anything. We are to fix a broken world and if that means going into drunken places we do or have at one point helped someone home. At least once taken a homeless person into our home and offer him a new pair of pants. Our favorite pair. Strange how things all work out.

There was a war long ago between 16 tribes. The Jews remained somehow. It is a story that repeats for Jews. I wonder how I exist when my people should be dead at least five times.

War is?

As punishment I will send a million elite fartoligists into Russia and make life unbearable.

Barfgasm: Honor left. Military is supposed to.have an honor code. Humanity as a concept is a matter of honor. People don’t often walk around like morans doing random cruelty and injustice. Unless that is the fate we got!

I will not do a rant, but I am very disappointed, it’s as if the human race is f ing up at a 3/1 rate. But John you are great.

I notice real intense feelings on time and time related subjects. I can’t help but think something big or at least significant will eventually happen.

Wrong spot for Bill.

Don’t end up like this!

Letters to Bill Hole can be dropped in any hole. It’s all about the love. We hope he survives this tragedy and brings whatever to your life.

This can’t be happening!