Palestine doesn't not exist.

I don't apologize for being an artist or a writer, but otherwise I can take the blame.

One stream of time is not complex enough, in fact we repeat ourselves with out knowing it, we become dull and half witted, even the best of us, dragged down while going upwards in ideals, we fake, we destroy with our drugged qualities, and the block universe becomes heavy, then frozen, so we can't blame, ourselves, but it is dark, and the computer must be at fault, must be evil, and we turn it on, then we smile, and try to laugh, but nothing comes out, so we scroll as if dreaming, our head hunched like a hunch back, as if we won.

A sight for my eyes, they popped out, and sizzled.

Bill Hole is a kind of God.

I pray for the dead.

Having lost touch with the war in Ukraine, I look now and then, and think this is now a farce of sorts. Putin doesn't look like he will get his job done exactly, but is enjoying it. Life is theatre to some degree.

My birthday is on June 28 and by then I hope these hooligan jew haters find themselves in jail or with a heap load of trouble.

Why is America great? It's constitution. Close. Why is America great? It's great elected leaders. Close. The reason America is great is because of the people, the people who fight and delight in democracy, who show the world what freedom can mean, who offer reason for the leaders, the rich, and the powerful, to take off their hats and bow to us. We the People.

I think people with hate symbols and radical hate books in their homes should be punished.

Have I changed your mind yet?

As Israel exists so do nazi hamas.

Protests are for moranic imbicils who wish destruction for its own sake and create havoc for joy.

The world is a different place, so embrace the change, turn the other cheek, be cheeky, eat avocado toast.

If you want to know why the Jews have been targeted seek the truth by who would be targeted next.

If you protestors calm down I will try to explain things.

On June first Jews responded:

The fun of stupidity knows no ends, until it does.

If you are paying attention June 1 already happened, already happened, and going bazerker is not cool, and never was.

My family came to California in 1850, as pioneers back then. That was a long time ago, before Hitler was born, before protest movements, before avocado toast.

Living in a free country does not mean: you can be extremely loud, passive aggressive, intentionally annoying, and threatening. (God help us if that is what freedom now means.)

Blame game is not here in the USA!!!

Know who you are protesting before you attack people., I mean that is common sense.

So much for civil society!

You can learn a lot in school.

I am focused on attacks on innocent JEWS in any country whose war is not the war in Israel. If people had any gray matter they would know the difference.