Toss the balls. Now!

Do you enjoy the skill of slimy toves crawling across your screen, that would be gross, perhaps a new dimension to screen reality, an attention getting device to lure you in, rob you blind and paint your nose blue, yet very kind!

You can't imagine my smile after learning the sad facts, only to skip down the lane, up the hill and into a door, where on the bed: Lanore covered in yellow tulips as something had crashed upon her leaving this and bed smashed.

People at google might even know what happened! They can't tell anyone either!

My first year of business was amazing and landed me on a secret in teck that has me laughing everyday.

How exciting to go for a walk in the rain, in a park, with a cat, near some lights, in the dark, on a mouse hunt, while tuba music is playing!

The heavy one in the blimp called hot body was struck by lightning and descended into smoke forever!

So now what does it all mean? If you can answer questions like that you must be on drugs!

Notice the difference?

Perhaps the image below was a force in creating the reality we know today because of the layers of meaning we experience.

This refers to comment below!

You know the picture of Trump with Obama? Okay, does the picture make sense? Logically yes, but is part of your brain doing spin cycle? Why does this happen?

If you have been following you know that Bill Hole has been a real world character in which people might have seen him, but nothing is confirmed so far!

The the question about Bill Hole would be his humor! What is his inner world brewing up to get our tickle feathers?

Okay lets assume the universe and therefore us have a sense of humor, what about ai?

Perhaps the universe is into clowning around with people. If you have been following you would know I wasn't kidding. Humanity is not the joker, unless it is. Though not a healthy laughter when you got happy triggers.

Power has always been complex, and sometimes hidden. Power though is not some joke.

It is much a do about something, no jokes hardly not easy in a digital world.

Today I bought a pet rock from CVS and this concerned me! I am not going to make friends with Bill Hole-Rock Buddy! Nope.

Hell is not a place to get stuck in.

Deeper than you know!

A good response to Russia would also be an outpouring of humanitarian aid from around the world.

The attacks on Ukraine would fit into patterns of war, but they don't in some way. What does Putin hope to achieve?

The project was inspired by a question I posed to many random people out a curiosity. Americans were different then I assumed.

I understood that feeling like a loser when I turned 40 could be a death sentence.

I began bigger pursuits at the age of 35 with the help of the Small Business Development Center and some Business Books. It was the right choice.


Sometimes the sea roars with the lions, alone just one lion at a later time, the the hissing with foam.


My recent thoughts on general politics is how important it should be that everyone mostly understands the political world they are living in. I don't think politicians should get into celebrity for themselves or envy those who have celebrity.

Focus on the right things and what's part of the good that isn't things.

Change the vibe, then your mind!

Take someone's freedom of speech away and soon its the soul, then the soul of a nation.

Amazing work!