Since guys can't get abortions, please explain how this is personal to you enough?

A week ago I was transforming into a Brit, now what?

I love that feeling when nothing makes sense and I'm very cool with that.

I can hardly believe itπŸ’š

NASA found a green star (small yet green)!

Now what!!!!!!!πŸ’ƒ

My Dad made sure I would think highly of him.

He was not about to be pathetic in front of me ever.  This only allowed me to see one side of him for the most part.  Also to become a towering figure like my grandfather Paul senior.  So it felt like being a junior Γ—2.

I moved a clear plastic object in front of my "Jelly Light" with very rewarding results finally.

Strange color formations worthy of hundreds of photos!

Does my challenging thought process create inaction too often?

This has been an issue or concern of mine.  I am committed to my thought process so who cares.

There are more types of songs than love songs.

Rips apart!

It has me running

As to be in those grips

That tear me

So senior I choke

As to be in those grips

Hello falseness

Broken mirror pieces

Try orange tans.

I would like to device San Francisco into East and West San Francisco.

One side is more urban, the other side much less so.

Note: The fictional character known as Bill Hole is defitely a work of fiction.

Bill couldn't just do nothing yet no good idea was coming.

So he put on his shoes

That was good

At least a walk might happen

Just like last time


Is severe stupidity like a contagious virus?

I kept looking a Putin's face on a photo after Turkey had shot down another plane.

He looked deeply upset to me.

About a month ago a twentyish looking woman called me cute, so I am officially a time traveller.


Pear shaped nucleus breaks rules of symmetry which violates an important theory in physics.

Someone says this will effect traveling back in time!  Ha!