I suppose marriage is better then herpes, genital warts, killer gonerhia and crabs..

Or just be gay and happy!

I’m into new stuff!

Super guy me?

Super guy me?

This is for all you fans of unreality!

Good sounds, message eh?

So what is real anyway?

I was being rubbed against 
But she was in my favor
Nobody scored
It’s bizarre.

Which one?

Wildest dreams..

Haters to now have rights of second class citizens and voting rights!

No pain no getting hit by trains!

Bill Hole likely staring at his feet right now and isn’t discovering anything new.

String theory began as mistaken dental floss and morphed into cat nip for a cat with 11 dimensions.

Seeking star shit!


The beauty queen went to the hospital to get looked at

Everyone on the staff was healed.

I tired of personalized advertisements

So I exchanged myself in return for a personality

The buttologist said I was watching porn

So I remained a numeral.

Then I learned that porn was free

But everything was expensive

And that I was on the market

So I got upset and visited my marketer

And was given big porn data

It turned out that I was a nobody

This f ed up and I wanted my money back

Then the sales agent appeared with my soul

We made a deal and my likes went up emediatly! 😀