The central issue is a common chilling of time that happens early on as we also forget around the same time!

This is also my view of the history of humanity.

I believe that any form of time travel involves some unusual luck otherwise it would be common and known about.


I feel better about the future

I feel more calm

I feel big stuff!

Typing Sanders with search term "UC Berkeley"

Berny Sanders is mentioned at number sixth position without his name in title tag!

Five other names are on top of his!

Think on this.

You no our culture is in decline when there are no hippies, or free hugs or free hippy butt love!!!

Big butts really are an asset!


A bit more glib!

I was thinking but that was just pensive

A longing to change things

Resembling a form of heaven

Yet a haven to give me peace

Against anger and insanity

Someday the dreams

Someday the dreams

No more fears no more screams

Pass me some tissue please!