

Being tough is a lot of work!

There was a time before the internet.

I think with free speech we also need the right to know. If people are putting out harmful misinformation it is perhaps because secrets and omisions are creating gaps in understanding that cause the problem. Think on that.

Try doing some singing.

My efforts online have done one major thing, i can't give the details, but it really was the luck. Very lucky indeed. You would all thank me if you knew.

I had a friend in Chico named Dereck who eventually told me what being gay was like for him and it brought me to compassion like nothing else could. You need to get into peoples shoes for a few minutes. Then about a year later I read some Christian writing about gays in someone's front office. I saw the shock of my life. The writer was smarter then most bigots and no less hateful.

It must be a world where people can dream.

There is no sound from a tear drop and baby screams can be complex but a bad war is not hard to make clear. A bad war is the sound of the grinding sounds of rusty machines doing reversals if the buttons had nothing to press if all the living were not dead and brothers hugged each other and wept😐

Ready for a better world?

If anyone in Russia wants to have tea and discuss peace and other forms of joy even philosophy I would be up for it, but I would not stand a chance at a chess game. I dream that all will be well.

I'm happy!

Underpinning of this b!og is much like what came before it. The website began as love-of-comfort and morphed into Uplifting Thoughts which began to insist on the theraputic value of poetry exploring what is not coming from happiness. I actually got a thumbs up from Depac Chopra on this. This is significant because the negative was mostly taboo.

Dear Elon Musk thank you!

I understand cern is on again and is finding more out about the higgs. I want to be there.

Aggression on ukrain is troubling to me because it seems so violent, I can't seem to process the war. There are few words to make sense of what's happening.

The microverse of earth: Possible danger from new order of things (Not to be confused with a new world order) the shinking of the masses or even disapperence of mass, people in mass) challenging reality as if working the night shift makes more sense!

Okay Lisa!

Quantum Sense?

Listen for moe great songs!

Perhaps America is very different now. As if given a chance refuses and then again. Perhaps we bear the weight well and trudge forwards. I imagine our bright stars still shining, but I don't know where except at the last stop, the real oasis. A spirit of lincoln beckoning our better selves.

The spirit of service gets fun in a shiny sad way after years go by. At Alphi Phi Omega and CSU Chico I became fully pledged to service. To get gratitude from others is a wonder, but it is the work of miles that never seems to end that makes me truly smile.