In the case the country becomes totally savage there will be no election. Set up a real fortress and hide from mobs of drooling protesters as they tear everything down including each other!

Choose your future wisely!

When do we say: Enough! This bullshit is not discussion or academic, it is politically motivated, wasting the minds of young people for some adult's agenda. Stop this kind of crap.

Time is the bouncing ball you chased down the hall, and became a child, and the ball expanded with an attack by a goblin. You follow it now into a dungeon where she is waiting holding a pendulum, for waiting has opened a cave, you crawl into because you are brave.

Antisemitism is a threat to any country that fully entertains it. The joke is not funny. In fact it is very, very serious. If Jews fit in then that means, go for it, if not a problem, a war, a war against democracy. You would then find over powering autocracies lording over powerless people. Say then do you want God, do you think God might exist independent of belief and if so why? Because it causes you to tremble some day, to want to get on your knees and pray. Of course you aren't a religious man. Just a dishonest coward.

How is Ukraine winning: You have to go back in time. Ukraine rarely made the wrong move, because a defender against Russia has to get everything right. This level of performance never went away, and probably got more impressive.

Your sneeze reaches out for miles. It means very little to the natives, they have heard loud sneezes before and wish you had something to say. They all thank you with a dance and depart.

How much of California is messed up? My hunch is at least 60% I suppose it isn't the golden state anymore. Oh well.