Revealing: During the pandemic I nearly killed myself in trying to provide meaningful excelent quality content for keeping them alive. People matter.

Oblivion or Fiction?

The most strange thing? Bill Hole must be real.

Selling power abs to soldiers in their fight for democracy. Feel the power, win the battle! On

Russia has had a growing influence on my hair styles.

I prefer going forwards, and not dragging the past around like a burden.

Time is not the same as mental states, but maybe rythms in the body or blood preasure. One thing for sure is that time runs faster than the watch, and can not be seen.

The control of oneself.

I am not interested in being mind controlled.

Why does Russia sorta refer to itself as the top dog?

My favorite women have hearts of glass, and even paper shaped.

To go cow watching in India, imagining a lot of steak and hamburgers. Lets go!

Think about not making mistakes and getting it right!

You have to be dedicated to your ideals, and this can't tire me, this vision, of a better world.

The unbearable true love story, breaking hearts, sending people to the beach, giving them the best tans of their lives!

It's possible that we are a mirror image.

How to work on your groin problems? Try Genie Groin Control! Extra soft and non offensive heal all, good for chins and elbows also!

I got a visit from my new crow friend this morning. A trickster like walk on the roof and then he/she was gone. This bird has a shyness problem.

Checking into the cloud in my mind, as being the new old guy means. I like clouds more than ever. Not always so boring if you remember to look up once in a while. I saw a cloud recently that was oddly shaped like a rectagle. I thought that was against the rules, but no!

I need to have a talk with the Ninja Turtles. I miss hanging out with them and eating great pizza. Those were good times!!!