Then I am laughing and feeling good
Waking naked on furs there is no her
Lost of clothes it is challenging
But the business suit fits nicely
Time passes
And I wake again feeling great
Upon my king sized bed.
We love ourselves too often and need reach out much more often. It is a social responsibility and it effects the environment also.
Then I am laughing and feeling good
Waking naked on furs there is no her
Lost of clothes it is challenging
But the business suit fits nicely
Time passes
And I wake again feeling great
Upon my king sized bed.
I am not into giving sage advise on my blogs. There are at least 1000000 other wise people online to chose from, plus spituality and self help has billions of titles to bring you to perfect enlightenment!
One day at a time, but I do have some good things to look forwards to. Not going to slack that much. I like action, keeping busy, and keeping up with thongs.