My love for her is like a nice stab wound.

Then I am laughing and feeling good

Waking naked on furs there is no her

Lost of clothes it is challenging

But the business suit fits nicely

Time passes

And I wake again feeling great

Upon my king sized bed.

I thought it was the mens bathroom

Oh what a fool I was

To go where no man has gone before

Right through the door

And into the women's bathroom

A most unwise thing to do

A place even poets fear to tread

Clueless I was on the tiolet seat

With no idea of my predicament...

To be continued if I survive!

Better than disco!!!

Sand covers your life

To go nowhere

I hide.

And the fields widen

With my imagination

Love entire

Love entire

If  you can

In wonderland

A safe place idealy.



Not a joke.

I am not into giving sage advise on my blogs.  There are at least 1000000 other wise people online to chose from, plus spituality and self help has billions of titles to bring you to perfect enlightenment!

My future..

One day at a time, but I do have some good things to look forwards to.  Not going to slack that much.  I like action, keeping busy, and keeping up with thongs.

So Smarco what are your thoughts on evil and the Devil ect in a nut shell.

Human's are not perfect and can do bad, even awful things is a fact.   Today people seem less moral indignation over stuff they might normally and the reason for that is complex and then people look at crime differently and define it weakly.  Some people even think the dark side of life: being destructive, and hurtful, is cool and the best way to deal with things, NOT!