There is another side..


Gavin Newson did this!


A favorite book of mine.


I love Bob Dylan, as he got me starting to write poetry.




This is for Scott who I miss from Kareoke and don't know what came of him.




Something's in life never change even when Teck does.


The possibities await!


It is kind of like a game.


Time suddenly went in reverse!


Suddenly Lord Strong Meat spyed upon Lips Nelson herself. He had been hiding in a tree for years and now at last!


We can do many things for you!


Moving fast..


Welcome to a Sci Fi Universe.


My new future ex wife.


I would say live every moment like you love it and happy you may be.


Alone is okay, but when this epidemic is over I'm hugging everyone!


This guy won't give you a hair cut, but he will lift your spirits!


A real American is like this guy!


The amazingly brave knight!


It is easy to be cute.


We don't have much time, so lets use our time wisely and not use or steal from each other!



Careful with that axe.


Ignorance could change..


Stay warm and fuzzy@!


Hero of science!


Love is what I do for I am made of love!~!


It is true!!!


A duck is still angry no matter what!


I am the tiger.


Things do happen instantly!


What's a dead person to do?


How to value!


Some men have all the power!


Amazing miracles happening right this instant!


It's a life.


Death is a lonely mistress.


I am down!


All you need is a twin.


And then it really happened.


The quest..for the sperm..or..sperms?




Rat poop is the new trend for food and decorating and well everything. Start collecting and get the conversation going! Rat Poop will make a new and better you!