
Elite undergarments!

Girl Power WoW!

I’m so glad we necked.

My take on the virus, like gravity I believe that science has a rule that people can’t actually fly like Superman. I jumped off a porch once and learned my lesson!

Bing won another photo contest. This is weird!

A nail to the radio.

On time at last!

Not so primitive.

She showed up at the goldust lounge to sneak a karaoke song in.

This song has nothing to do with Cocain!

A rule for poets: There is nothing so awful in this world than bad poetry and when read aloud can induce projectile vomiting and rather explosive diarrhea. So work hard at it!

I’m rooting for ya!

Nothing yet.

Let’s get this party started.

No matter, Hitler should not be on the cover of a magazine as one of the most influential people. Think about the children!

We can do the ice cream dance.

Empower us all.

Choosing a way of life is different then a life style. Though digits are awesome logic can fail.


This was home for 20 years!

What did Donald do for me? One thing was this book:

And another.

Here is the first American.

What do I think of Donald Trump? Like the American: An idea put out by Mark Twain, then was picked up by Audrey Hepburn. In other words Donald Trump would be called “The American” or a major character, personality etc to the whole story of 🇺🇸

My opinion about antisemitism is that it tends to be downplayed or dismissed since it’s a tiny group that often stays out of the way. That’s a bad formula to see the situation. We must look into the antisemite’s head and how many fists of fury may be hiding there. Pray for change and act.

I am against transhumanism because I think we are more than just a brain.

Okay hippy did get into my life. My girlfriend back then spent time with them, she was more pretend then a real hippy. The other hippies I met were okay, but I was not smoking weed or being a strict vegetarian. You can’t create your own culture where you live so you join with new ones. I also was a hipster for a while. I eventually learn how to work with many kinds of people. Trust me that I am not perfect at diversity, but being an oddity by family and birth you become fairly friendly, or marry.

Bees to me.

Here Instart again.

Is there a heaven anywhere?

The journey continues!

Being the best is easy or hard?

Nothing to think about.

Keeping me real.

A return of the arts is needed.

Oh well.

Will love keep us together?

Leaving this place.

Keep with the plot!

I’m actually a great writer Arghh.

I can explain!

I will forgive every jerk on the planet!

No don’t smash me!

Jerks maybe?

To include this is must.

We can still love him.

Stars live perhaps inside us to pass the time on a chair or on a walk as the frogs bicker on logs the feeling something good is there moving in rotations beyond belief, beyond my current understanding blazing forwards to get even higher.