
Which mentality?

When it comes to the death penalty I feel as if I were some form of Christian. I see moral consequences in retributive killings as a fifth generation Californian perhaps.

Laugh or collapse into jello.

Catch the train on time.

Sweat and sweet.

Think it over:


Reach out to me!💕

If goodness prevailed.

Preferred bad must be good:

Meet me here.

Too the moon to remember.

Anger is relative.

My mind is going to Mars!

Best kiss ever?

We love a good war?

The future is soon.

Let go!

The thing we do for space!

Ahead of a few centuries.

And God invented shoe laces!

Everyone loves a hero!

No grace with darkness.

Drowning in imaginations.

Bill Hole escaped the flood..

What is England?
