We might be in for a ride, but do you have your tickets?

One thing human beings now all share in common is a love of hope. Clear the smoke and gas and we are all naked fleshy soft humans vulnerable and hopeful, I don't care who you are, you see a light in front of you, you go for it, and don't trust the darkness, what ever that is, there is no time for that anyway, hope will carry the day, not cynicism, as long as I live we will march in that dirrection, and it will look different then the golden arches, or a super dome, and it won't be too fancy, you'll see.

From funny to amazing leader and still funny.

Thank you Gavin Newson for letting our political process take its course.

Shall our democracy and sanity continue?

To me Russia is the big bannana land mass, you love to imagine everything there, all that could be, is somehow found right there, till I happen upon a cave, a gaping mouth like hole, with horror I fall backwards, as if all the colors in the world had been drained out, and its blackness eating upon itself and dead tanks littering its soil.

Religion is fine with me, just don't go postal.

According to my rules I can not remove Bill Clinton's award, sadly not.

Another Death Star bites the dust!

If you need to pee on yourself don't!

Imagine living to this all the time!

If everything is political, then we are dancing to the wrong song.

So this year is not the year to forget the past, clearly it paints a picture of work to do, with paridise perhaps in 2025.

Tic tock ruined a friend of mine and you ain't seen nothing!

When the world gets you down, lift up the frog faced frown..

I would rather put my head inside my tiolet.

Trump broke up with me when his forth year in office began to look scary all of a sudden. Should we all forget this or not?

This is what happens to all my girlfriends eventually.

Dancing prefered.

Men want to go ape on me, woman want to chimp me, perhaps I will fly to the moon.

Love just got closer!

The report is correct, and I am also.

Confusion is not as bad as weird stupid wackos.

It's strange to create an accepted or acceptable equation and not really understand it myself. Then other people can't really understand it either. One thing for sure is that a clock tells time, but according to physics it is not time. This comes about when there is no clear division between past, present and future.

This war is not just to destroy the west and pulverize Ukraine, but far out East there is something else!

I wonder when rich gay people became victims needing protections? That doesn't make sense, but a lot of things don't.

A nation of equity, but not equality, a great nation, but not with out merit, a musical nation if you like time travel, and beautiful if you are into hills.

Could some nice person help me to vomit.

I wish that this year America can stand on it's feet and say; We are not a baby nation anymore, we can take responsibility and can be responsible, and not blame another group for all the evil in the world.

The roots of racism still have to do with skin color. I saw intentional mingling in Oakland years ago to work on this problem. It should be nothing. I don't know why?

If babies look like cherubs, some adults resemble demons, and that is because they spend time in dark holes.

If someone stalks you show them to the plank and tell them to fall in love with the ocean.

What would the Queen say today to Putin? "Are you human?"

I am wanting a cat, but it must not be able to outwit me and shred too much of my belongings.

I feel online that people want me to give out more awards. It would be nice if I could. Something in my heart holds me back because there has to be something very compelling about the choice. I have made a mistake or two, so I want to avoid that in the future.

If you take the fun out of childhood and youth, they will get revenge as adults on everyone.

If you think you are vigilant as a crime fighter, be sure a criminal is more vigilant, as they also fear getting caught, punished or worse.

The most clear sign of a blood bath is when people see it coming and say and do nothing.

What happened at Harvard, the UN, and at the UC and BBC are clear moments of genocide with out the bloody job done. I am commited like no other to defend Jews around the world. I am not ashamed to say it.

A thought for antisemites out there. If the Jews leave for Israel your economy would collapse in a week.

May your soul get wiped clean by a cat tornado.

If we want more faith in humanity we should stop expecting teck landscapes to provide it.

I am not a cowboy. I am what they call a Califonio. People probably have never heard the term before, but I qualify as good as anyone. I have a lot of history in this state including some of its famous characters, buildings and first National court case.