Better safe than dead.

Some lights are beating the darkness in America and so can you!

A better America?

How smart we are!

It's got to be good.

It is a two way street, but we appear to go in one dirrection.

Bummer trip or not?

Anomoly is not to be put into a box.

Currency is growing.

Simple is not always.

Knowing is not believing.

Politics is not Physics or is it?

Cleaning up our act.

The better world goals are not exactly stated. But most importantly is that the world is not getting worse and worse.

I can't do it alone.

There will be no white supreme court.

Afraid of Blue Sky Physics?

Getting emotional about something in physics, why? Example today of emotion: By all means, keep playing in the sandbox and exploring alternatives to the standard cosmological (and particle physics) pictures of reality.

Mark the Marvel scratches his head, but not due to dandruf. No, not that! Anything then dry scalp and the chance of going bald!