There then is and has always been somethings we can't explain, but we know there is something rather than absolute nothing.

A moment that lasted past present future😊

Big bad guy!


I am not refering to lsd, nor mushrooms. I am judging by the standards we call common sense as some school of common sense can't always be accurate by an any test or research. It is rather zen.

Bothered by the word normal yet?

After watching some videos about dark matter I felt it would be as ridiculous to find it as it was absurd. This got me into a friendly fight, which I cleverly escaped. At least I haven't lost my "Bet" so far.

Perfect timing!

Most futuristic writing is either distopian or terrorifying so that's odd.

Back where you started.

She lifted her fingers till they disappeared!

Other Patsy!

So they could be called backwards time fluctuations, perhaps in imaginary time. Moments when the past clashes into forward motion time. A dynamic like the twilight zone.

Given the physics today it feels fine to say we might be going back in time. Entropy has no absolute constant.

I'm a chicken!

Perhaps the road went back!

To reach for the high places is a cloudy experience.

Layer the nonsense with cream cheese and beans.

Oh no!

For some strange reason Bill Hole was never subjected to finger pointing. Maybe this explains his innocence!

We once had two great towers

The future is a new bus ride!

In Chico at night everyone would end up at scrappy dogs of every race, creed, shape. Today we live in the Twilight Zone where we seem to forget we are all people.

In a weaven on wearth!

That's the spirit!

I would rather walk a dog than talk politics or religion. But you are free as a hippy now!

Two hearts faced off like rooks on a chess board!

The future of water!

Familiar/weird fine!

Manic Stalkers feel stuff..

Sake commercial.

Way far away!

Anime times..

Its my birthday!

How to sweep a man off inside a computer?

Will the internet ever start to bore people?

Cudjos to Germany . Thats where a section of my family is. Germany is increasing my confidence against downwards trends in the world!