Listen to someone share their story.

Sciencegasm! What if time is always going backwards, (Highly unlikely) but imagine if the math of causality was hogwash. What better way to grasp the weirdness which is time.

Love sometimes.

Dance whenever you want!

Thanks legs!

Really some people need useful skills, not just wreaking havock!

And who are you?

So I enjoyed a walk!

She passes through dark clouds and becomes darkness. Then gains some man parts and goes to a gym and works out then obtains magical and political power!!!

The frontier today is change, as a reality or two is breaking never to return, I can return to something, but wild of the world is going in reverse. The light brightens into an odd glow.

Welcome to the possible!

The internet is fast losing points with me. It is a fact that people are coming up with very nasty comments which are circulating around the web and even off it. Clever enough, but not illegal. Get off the internet if you notice this often happening.

You can't handle the truth eye liner! See what you want to see!

Power or something else!


Instead love America!

America is the only country with a constant blood squirt.

Being love is a being.