BILL has made a discovery!

Not anymore, can't hardly think about it.

Rebel Army: Pigs and Hogs, to stampede in every direction, kick up some dirt and then throw a dance party!

The future of this war, for me it looks like both Russia and Ukraine are ready to take a nap. I know that is silly, but war doesn't look good when drinking lemonade. Yet someone has to win, or is that wine.

Thanks to God the new cows that randomly showed up on the farm could speak English. In fact they could say famous poems.

Goat was climbing Half Dome on the "flat" surface making him "A new rock star sensation!" Goat was caught smiling at the "top!"

Bill's butt cheeks were incredible, so toned and bronzed, an entire female viewing population had to check their eyes out.

I don't know the big picture, but I reccomend buying art. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Sadly I can not do that. I do hope you enjoy going to other planets and dimensions as this blog unfolds. It may seem random and all over the place, but no. Enjoy though it is not giving you all that you need or want. I will not make prayers answered or work miracles. There is hope I can make you laugh and smile once in a while.