Bingo is the cause of everything.

Don't be a dick!

next time your cat sits on your philosophy book pet your car!  I mean cat or pussy cat or feline fantastic!

Today I experienced the most powerful hack imaginable.

I lost control of typing (Slowed down and skipped around page), then after a minute was put on a social and sexual anxiety website, then lost internet connection!

I know that sexy great leg...


I've seen it around

Got some fascinating tats

I spy there too said Bill Hole

I watch it as it moves

Wow me too

I saw leg twice yesterday!!!

Bill Hole stared into space and said:







There is a silver lining.

Into the web of memory

There to find lost silver

Hidden everywhere

Enter what concerns

You and your life

Let it be found

And celebration

It's alive.

Poetry today!

I write it but am not keeping current with it in the larger world.  I have no idea if it is being embraced by more people lately.  I hope people look into it.  If you have a chance look at Christina Rosseti's poetry which could be like a Rosetta Stone linking the past to the present.  She is a romantic poet of very high caliber.  You will love her work.

Strangely powerful Nose Powder made nose come.

Why I am no vegan?

Nevertheless oh well, perhaps some day when I get around to it.  I still like animal and have been a pet owner who was cruelty free.  I even blessed my cheese.  I am really just nice softy guy who writes poetry because I can't get a date and my selfies are weak, plus I am not a perfect recycler.  I am drug free, but perhaps not gluten free.  You got to understand how I work at being perfect in everything so you might like me on Facebook.  This takes an organized action plan.  I even hit the diagram with my soft hand.  No tattoos yet, but I'm working on that.  So much love and YouTube excitement.  Someday something will happen.  My feet will get bigger as my emotional protection shield gets bigger with super powers.  This might actually work!!!!

Today's brilliance is amazing,

But not as brilliant as my own

Truly I am great said Lord Strong Meat ready

Yes you!

To prove your worth with me

Which is like movingv a mountain

It won't be relatively easy

Now flex your glutamis maximise

And experience my full solar maximise!!!

Waters surround the area..

Listen up fame players

Entertainment gone wacko

I sit in my room with you

It is play you seek

Undercover lovers

They were

Playing with each other

Seeking hard sometimes

Breaking tables with turns

Followed by chickens

And the Chicken

Very yellow

And power driven

We played spades nightward

Messy like melted cheese

Life is but a waking dreams

With chest of love

All over me.