THE GOOD GUYS ARE WINNING: Opinion The Rebbe’s radical approach to anti-Israel Jews? More love We must act with kindness and understanding toward those who harbor dangerous beliefs, even as they inflict pain upon themselves and our people. Peace sign. Credit: Engin_Akyurt/Pixabay.Peace sign. Credit: Engin_Akyurt/Pixabay. Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann is the chief Chabad rabbi of Columbus, Ohio. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Email Print (Feb. 20, 2025 / JNS) In the heavily Orthodox neighborhood of Borough Park on Feb. 18, a shockingly violent event took place. Scores of anti-Israel protesters marched through the streets, banging on drums, chanting slogans such as “There is only one solution. Intifada revolution!” and “How many kids did you kill today?” After physical assaults against Jews ensued, the police were called, and arrests were promptly made. Videos flooded the Internet late into the night capturing the melee. The marching protesters claimed to represent an effort to “Free Palestine,” but after 16 months of watching similarly hateful gatherings around the world, it is abundantly clear that the only cause they are promoting is antisemitism. For local residents of Borough Park and Jews around the world, this outpouring of venom was especially painful as earlier in the day, news circulated about the murders of Israeli hostages Shiri Bibas and her two young children, Ariel and Kfir, at the hands of Hamas. On Oct. 7, the Bibas mother and babies were kidnapped not by Hamas but by Palestinian civilians, the very ones that the mindless protesters wish to “free.” Additionally, the keffiyeh-clad activists seem to have missed the obscene Hamas ceremonies of the last few weeks when freed hostages were paraded on a stage, given certificates and goody-bags and perversely made to thank their captors. Subscribe to The JNS Daily Syndicate and never miss our top stories and analyses Email By signing up, you agree to receive emails from JNS. Adding shock to horror is the fact that the “Free Palestine” cause has attracted a non-insignificant amount of Jews—from college campuses to staff at the White House. Whether it has been Jewish students at Columbia University holding a “liberation seder” at the pro-Palestinian encampment or progressive rabbis draped in tallitot protesting against Israel in the Capitol, our collective heart sinks to see such a basic betrayal of Am Yisrael. And reality. After nearly a year and a half since the world turned upside down on Oct. 7, I wish to propose a radically new approach based on this week’s Torah portion and the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson. Related Articles Demonstrators hold Iranian flags and a huge inflated figure representing Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei holding a nuclear bomb as they protest against the Iranian regime as a main source of war and crises in the Middle East at Odeonsplatz Square in Munich, the venue of the Munich Security Conference, Feb. 16, 2024. Photo by Tobias Schwarz/AFP via Getty Images. Obama-Biden Arabists are still sabotaging Israel Feb. 19, 2025 An illustrative image of Mount Sinai. Source: DeepAI. Is religion rational? Feb. 19, 2025 A Palestinian man walks among the rubble in the city of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, Feb. 16, 2025. Photo by Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90. Let their people go! Feb. 18, 2025 We need to pour love, not hate, towards the members of our community who have chosen the path of the meshumad, a Jew who has strayed from the Jewish tradition. Instead of the justified rage and pain that they evoke in us by promoting terrorism against Israel and Jews, we need to understand that they are indeed victims—victims of suicidal self-hate, of disinformation, propaganda and simplistic binary thinking. Our collective shock and horror naturally have caused many of us to shun, ignore or perhaps engage in counter-protest against these individuals. However, this has not helped bring any of them closer to understanding the truth or defending the Jewish people. I suggest that it is time for a radical reset. The Rebbe taught that for wayward, self-hating or uninformed Jews, we must bring them closer with love, instead of driving them away with hate. The Rebbe drew inspiration from previous Jewish sages who preached reaching out with open hearts and inclusion, such as the Rambam (Maimonides), the 12th-century codifier of Jewish law,and Saadia Gaon, the great ninth-century Jewish philosopher and theologian. The Rambam advised that the only effective way to bring wayward Jews back to Judaism was through non-judgmental love and acceptance (Mishna Torah, Mamrim, 3:3). Saadia Gaon was similarly quoted as saying that rebellious Jews are considered “kidnapped,” or Tinok Shenishba, literally children captured from our Jewish community and raised in captivity (Chezkuni on Exodus 2:15). It is incumbent upon us to treat anti-Israel Jews the same way as previous Jewish generations treated the Tinok Shenishba or the meshumad. If a child is tragically kidnapped or goes off the path, we should love that child and desire to bring them back because they are part of us; they are family members who should be redeemed. We need to adapt this approach to those Jews who harbor distorted and dangerous beliefs, even as they inflict pain upon themselves and our people. Another way to look at it is that Jewish anti-Israel activism is a manifestation of Jewish anxiety over antisemitism. Our Hamas-supporting brothers and sisters are acutely aware of the threat of antisemitism; however, by siding with our enemies, they hope to escape being targeted. Sadly, they haven’t learned the lesson that history teaches us: Just as the Nazis killed Jews indiscriminately, anti-Israel Jews are targets as surely are Israel-loving ones. This week’s Torah portion, Mishpatim, meaning “statutes” or “laws,” also provides fresh guidance for our present crisis for “lost Jews.” Mishpatim discussed the various commandments related to interpersonal human relations, especially the relationships between parents and children. Interestingly, from Chapter 21, verses 15-17, the laws about dealing with one who kidnaps another individual are sandwiched between laws for children who insult or strike their parents. The Saadia Gaon comments on this curious juxtaposition. He posits that for a child to turn their back on their parents, they must have been kidnapped—not necessarily in a physical sense but in a spiritual, psychological or emotional sense. There is simply no way that a normal child would inflict harm on their parents under normal circumstances; a child who strikes or defames a parent is because they were absent in the formation of their Jewish identity, as if the child were kidnapped. These are strong words, perhaps even harsh. But we must consider their value. Few among us have the inner fortitude to engage in a debate with Jewish haters of Israel. Many will understandably regard them as a lost cause or see their behavior as akin to Hamas, but we must have compassion for them, for our sages tell us that they are akin to one who was kidnapped. Our love for them must transcend any of their suicidal and misguided rhetoric. Is this easy? Absolutely not! The sight of Jews, including those who wear the garb of the ultra-Orthodox, shouting for Israel’s destruction is stomach-churning. The only way to heal the rupture in our people is to see anti-Israel Jews as being held in captivity, held in a proverbial “Gaza of the mind,” themselves victims of kidnapping, broken in mind, body and soul. The approach of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement would be to put on tefillin with them or invite them for Shabbat dinner, but that’s not the only way. The next time you encounter an anti-Israel Jew, try to let kindness and civility inform your interactions with them, despite how difficult or excruciating this may be. The timeless words of “love your neighbor as yourself” ring true. In this fraught environment, let us bond together as one people. Let us love one another even when it feels impossible, and from that unity, miracles will happen.
Mostly We love ourselves too often and need reach out much more often. It is a social responsibility and it effects the environment also. Showing posts sorted by relevance for query antisemitism. Sort by date Show all posts Opinion: The reason for the antisemitism was partly on the odds of causing a second holocaust. Jews dodged the big bullet. This opinion is controversial for sure, but it is based on the idea that dead people can't defend themselves or speak or have sex. I plan to do much more of that in the future. Posted by Magic V at February 11, 2025 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Antisemitism is just as awful as racism, perhaps more so which is why it has its own category. Posted by Magic V at May 03, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I don't think antisemitism is going to end, but the recent problem is new. Posted by Magic V at December 09, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest If unleashed antisemitism is a sick thrill to you then the HR 6090 will not be your friend. Posted by Magic V at November 22, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Antisemitism is upsetting, very much, but imagine if things went down a different path in the last nine months. I am not sure I would be alive right now. Posted by Magic V at June 18, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I am taking a break, perhaps a long one, to retaliate and get even with those who visit my site and are guilty of antisemitism, especially at the Private Universities. Posted by Magic V at October 23, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I believe modern antisemitism really began when Jews could be seen outside a biblical context and seen as impossible to imagine. Posted by Magic V at March 07, 2025 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Four convicted for Amsterdam violence against Israelis, calling for Jews’ death By AFP and ToI Staff Today, 4:12 pm 14 Screenshot from a video showing assailants running after fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv following a soccer game in Amsterdam on November 8, 2024. (X screenshot; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law) Screenshot from a video showing assailants running after fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv following a soccer game in Amsterdam on November 8, 2024. (X screenshot; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law) A Dutch court convicts four men for their part in November’s violence against Israeli soccer fans that sparked accusations of antisemitism. The latest convictions by the Amsterdam District Court follow five others handed down in December for the “hit-and-run” style attacks on Maccabi Tel Aviv fans in the early hours of November 8. Images of the violence, which Israel says wounded 10, went around the world and sparked a furious reaction in Israel including accusations of a “pogrom.” Promoted: Birthright, the gift of a lifetime Keep Watching Aged between 22 and 32 years, this week’s suspects are found guilty of a range of offenses including helping to foment the violence and insulting Jews. Cenk. D., 27, receives the heaviest sentence of three months in prison, for pointing out locations of Maccabi fans after an Europa League match between the visiting Israeli club and Ajax. He is also sentenced for insulting Jews, including making disparaging comments about the Holocaust and posting slogans such “Dead Jew better than living Jew,” the court’s judges say. “The persecution of Jews during the Second World War is one of the most shocking events in history and has caused untold suffering,” the judges say in a verdict posted online. “Condoning and trivializing the Holocaust not only causes personal suffering amongst Jews but can also contribute to feelings of insecurity and unrest in society,” they add. Mounir M., 32, is jailed for six weeks as one of the administrators of the online chat group. Kamal I., 22, is sentenced to one month in jail for sharing the location of Maccabi supporters in the Dutch capital. The court also sentences Mohammed B., 26, to 30 days in jail for chasing a Maccabi supporter and “making a hitting movement with a belt.” The court says the violence was influenced by the situation in Gaza. While noting that it happened after Maccabi fans chanted anti-Arab songs and committed some acts of vandalism, “this context offers no justification for calling for, and using physical violence against Israeli supporters who were guests in Amsterdam for a soccer match.” Posted by Magic V at March 19, 2025 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I didn't really identify myself as very Jewish though history and heritage say yes. The test was given to me by a Jewish man older than me, concerning if antisemitism were to rise again what side I would be on. I thought this over and over, and realized he had a point. Posted by Magic V at May 03, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Antisemite's are in tears! there are several areas where the Jewish community is making significant strides: Cultural and Educational Initiatives: The IJ & Jeanné Wagner Jewish Community Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, is celebrating a century of progress and positivity. They offer educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities to enrich the Jewish community and the broader public. Vision for the Future: The Times of Israel highlights a vision for the next 25 years, focusing on preserving Jewish identity and combating antisemitism. The emphasis is on family traditions, education, and proactive community engagement to ensure a strong future. Diplomatic Progress: Israel has confirmed progress in ongoing talks between the United States and Hamas. These discussions aim to address critical issues and potentially pave the way for ending conflicts. Posted by Magic V at March 10, 2025 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I find conflicting reports about antisemitism in the United States, but I expect new laws to have an effect soon. Also I don't think people are going to wear anti Israel shirts very often in public, but maybe in the privacy of their homes. People will eventually realize that it is uncool to hate Jews, or anyone for that matter. Posted by Magic V at February 24, 2025 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest If you thought weaponing antisemitism was going on, why don't you think about the holocaust..thats a true crime against humanity, that is the elephant in the room. This shoud scare anyone: here’s a case of apparent employment discrimination at UCLA that should put to rest once and for all the spurious idea that the current campus battles are about mere “free speech.” For over a year now we’ve been subjected to the whinging of the “pro-Palestine” crowds who are physically harassing Jews on campus while claiming their speech rights are infringed upon any time their actions bring a whiff of consequences. But aside from the violence deployed against Jews, there’s been evidence of professional discrimination—at state-funded institutions, no less. The latest and most illuminating example comes from UCLA, where a newly filed complaint alleges that the college Cultural Affairs Commission has in place a policy of anti-Jewish bias in its hiring process. Bella Brannon, editor of the Jewish student newspaper Ha’am, filed the petition with the Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC) Judicial Board earlier this week. The crux of the allegation is that Alicia Verdugo, head of the Cultural Affairs Commission, told staffers not to hire Jewish applicants. Posted by Magic V at November 30, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest The assumptions about antisemitism is a lie, Jews pose what threat? Uhum! The real reason is not rational. Posted by Magic V at February 23, 2023 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I think antisemitism began to get serious around the time of the reformation because religious differences were stressed and the Holocaust is not to be figured out. It is incomprehensible. Posted by Warmest Winds at March 22, 2016 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Congresswoman Virginia Foxx Fri, Nov 08, 2024 From the office of Congresswoman Virginia Foxx The Committee on Education and the Workforce, which I Chair, released new findings on how antisemitism engulfed college campuses while campus administrators put the demands of terrorist sympathizers over the safety of Jewish students, faculty, and staff. For over a year, the American people have watched antisemitic mobs rule over so-called “elite universities” across the country. But what was happening behind the scenes was arguably worse. While Jewish students displayed incredible courage in the face of antisemitic harassment, university administrators, faculty, and staff were cowards who fully capitulated to the mob and failed the students they were supposed to serve. Our report’s findings clearly support four separate conclusions: University administrators made astounding concessions to the organizers of illegal encampments. For example, in the case of Northwestern University (Northwestern), administrators entertained demands to hire an “anti-Zionist” rabbi and divest from and remove Sabra Hummus from campus cafeterias. University administrators deliberately chose to withhold support from Jewish students.Harvard University’s (Harvard) decision making was particularly egregious, as demonstrated by choices to intentionally omit condemnation of Hamas and acknowledgment of hostages in its widely criticized equivocal statement on the October 7 attacks, and then-President Claudine Gay asking Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow not to call the phrase “From the River to the Sea” antisemitic hate speech. University administrators overwhelmingly failed to impose meaningful discipline for those who engaged in antisemitic conduct. Across the board, enforcement of campus rules was wildly uneven, from Harvard and Columbia faculty playing key roles in derailing discipline toward antisemitic conduct violations and Rutgers University (Rutgers) actually disciplining Jewish students who spoke out against the harassment, to the overall lack of consequences for those involved in encampments at schools including the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), Yale University (Yale), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). University administrators considered Congressional oversight a nuisance at best and with open hostility at worst. Administrators at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn), for instance, attempted to orchestrate negative media coverage of Members of Congress who scrutinized the university while Harvard president Claudine Gay disparaged U.S. Representative Elise Stefanik’s (R-NY) character to the university’s Board of Overseers. Our investigation has shown that these ‘leaders’ bear the responsibility for the chaos likely violating Title VI and threatening public safety. It is time for the executive branch to enforce the laws and ensure colleges and universities restore order and guarantee that all students have a safe learning environment. My Newest Bills Recently, I introduced the Helene Recovery Support Act and the Disaster Recovery and Resilience Act. These are two separate pieces of legislation that work to trim burdensome regulations that would stall timely disaster recovery, and to reallocate unused funds from questionable government programs so that FEMA and the Small Business administration can receive a strong cash infusion – as well as the New Markets Tax Credit. I see these two bills as opportunities to do the right things for the right reasons – and to create a pathway where necessary resources can be provided while also allowing recovery efforts to go unimpeded. Congress can, and should, pursue commonsense solutions to aid in disaster recovery efforts – the solutions that I have placed on the table help lead the way. A Helpful Reminder My district offices in Boone and Clemmons are continuing to assist those who need help with FEMA and other federal agencies following Hurricane Helene. If you have any issues with the federal government, please contact my offices in Boone or Clemmons – my staff stand at the ready to assist you. Below, you’ll find the telephone numbers for both offices: Boone: 828-265-0240 | Clemmons: 336-778-0211 Quote of The Week “Goodness is about character – integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.” -Dennis Prager Have a blessed weekend, Virginia Foxx Posted by Magic V at November 11, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest In my quest to understand Antisemitism: Spain came up as super special, winning the BETTER WORLD AWARD! Thanks for improving the world for all people! Posted by Magic V at December 15, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest This fooled them false allies: Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Apr 4, 2024 It will end bad for Berkeley unless Pro Hamas ends first. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · May 10, 2024 When they say you became rabid pro hamas they are being sincere. Don't be an idiot. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Jun 2, 2024 Pro Hamas is not Peaceful Protest no matter what you say.. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · May 8, 2024 Hamas is pro genocide, most Palistinians are pro Hamas, most pro Palististians are pro genocide. Logic. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Jul 22, 2024 NO PRIVILAGE FOR BEING A PRO HAMAS PRIVALAGED NUT CASE. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Jul 26, 2024 She was a pro hamas trans reptile and I wasn't going to move. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Jul 17, 2024 I got protestors confused enough to start calling themselves Pro Hamas, and it was masks off for real. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Jul 24, 2024 When some Americans are more Pro Hamas than most Palistinians, you would think that's crazy talk, not anymore! Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Jul 14, 2024 Harvard paper found admitted not only racism and antisemitism, but "Immorality." Examples: Plagerism, Black lives promoted to the exclusion of attendence of Jews and Asians. No SAT or Merit needed. Also incredible evidence of indoctrinazion. Woke somehow pro Hamas. WTF? Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Aug 10, 2024 I honestly think most pro palistinians like the evil of it, while palistinians have another reason, but know their connection to Hamas is evil, and say so. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Jul 14, 2024 Pro Palistians where fools to say for a few months that they were Pro Hamas. Hamas killed 12,000 in the most brutal massace ever, taking over 300 hostages, quickly using human shields including Children. Before much time Americans chanting "Stop the Genocide?" Aggressive lies. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Aug 17, 2024 I say we send the pro hamas americans to Gaza. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Aug 18, 2024 Pro Hamas anti baby group seen in Aulstralia. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Aug 17, 2024 HOW WILL SHE MAKE HER PRO HAMAS PROTESTORS HAPPY? Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Sep 8, 2024 Pro Hamas Protesters, it is not your time, this time. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Aug 17, 2024 At this point being pro hamas is startling to muslims in most of the world that whites act as such imbicils. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Aug 30, 2024 There is not much silver lining for a pro hamas hate movement. But they did give away a horrible detail. They tried to hide it, but some of the core was to be found in Anglo Countries. The internet shows such a community has existed for a while. It shows intentions. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Sep 8, 2024 I will go through the process of getting pro hamas agitators expelled. If you don't mind. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Sep 24, 2024 LGBTQ can't be pro hamas without wanting to be killed. Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Jan 11, 2024 Does a better world include pro Hamas protests around the world? Magnificant Moon God @viollessa · Feb 1, 2024 Being pro hamas is not worthy of anyone, even if you are a nazi. Posted by Magic V at February 15, 2025 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I am aware that both the right and left can be antisemitism and have experienced both. I am 53 years old and know that being off the sidelines as a Jew in America is dangerous period. Posted by Magic V at March 14, 2022 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest The Antisemitsm bill, S. 4127, to the Defense Authorization Act. The AntiSemitism Awareness Act would adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism making it illegal for college students to criticize the government of Israel and would classify the political movement called Zionism as semitism. Posted by Magic V at November 22, 2024 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest My moment is the moon. Oh, I could tell you about the moon and the sun, plus all those planets, but I won't, because I am committed to war and peace, East Asia, Antisemitism-Israel, and MOSTLY FICTIONS, THE ARTS ECT.. Posted by Magic V at March 18, 2025 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Previous Posts Next Posts
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