What are some real benifits I have felt from my computer use?

I split time between facebook and youtube and let them compliment each other.  The information is often good and some of it awesome.  It can be a bit overwhelming at times though. 

As a social devise I have mostly given up on the internet.  I have tried dating sites till it became painful just to think about it.  Comment sections have different levels of disappointment for me.  Prolonged contact with anyone usually means a perpetrator.  Trust in the goodness of anonymous online people is not good unless I fully believe in the person.  Videos by youtubers sometimes look like profit motivated and missing something I want.  Some youtubers do know somehow what I like.  This is not common enough.  People sharing information are often over zealous, while some are not.  Humor is not attempted enough, maybe due to the PC world that effects us.  The celebrity effect is not to be underestimated and if examined closely is disgusting. 

Amazon offers a great supply of audiobooks, cudjos here!

Spying online is not just a surprise, it is part of human history, for evidence of todays stalker bunch.  Not hard to imagine occurring!  Check the Iliad!!!

Blogging is great, and you get to enjoy it so long as you put a lot of energy into it.  Tons of love and money is not to be expected though.

Meet ups offer less than expected.  Uh, yea.

Searches show sometimes too much information, but its amazing the amount of stuff in there, could go to Pluto and back to earth and still have more distance to travel.

Ability to reach people that were impossible to reach before is really awesome.

And so it goes.

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