Being a blogger at this time I find new challenges.

In this uncharted faterritory I find lots of friendly awesome people online..

This is new and a very good development, and might change the way I blog.

Even think differently than before.

I spoke with someone this morning about the mind part of ourselves and the need to be swimming in the land of happy stuff.   The mind just needs happy stuff for the best thinking to naturally occur.

A mind may be in second place, not first place, because the kind of happiness humans want in my opinion may seem far away or impossible to  figure out accurately.

If I say I have found some happiness in the world, it is not common.  It is between me and me.  It is that way  because I had to push very hard, sometimes against obstacles for the wonderful wonders in my life.

I suppose nothing worth finding is going to be a piece of cake.

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