Please Mark what else do you know about zombies?

Male zombies often compete with other male zombies over females who don't actually exist

More zombies are male than female

Zombies can not get unzombied

Zombies can show that they have a brain, but they really don't, it is just an act.

Zombies are the most restless and nervous of all the undead since they are so hungry for brain.

Zombies often appear to suffer from malnutrition.

Zombies have a hard time with face to face conversation since it makes it harder to eat your brain.

Zombies are not into high class fashion.

If it wasn't for the institution of family zombies would be left with no brains to eat, so the idea of family is extremely important to zombies.

Zombies prefer faded colors to bright ones.

Zombies don't like looking at themselves in the mirror.

Zombies join groups as a way of accessing more brains to eat.

Zombies can not be sensitive, that is not a zombie.

More zombie news coming soon!

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