So Mark, do you have anything good to say?


I have a history in the visual world that is moving into some super cool directions.  After helping design three coffee shop interiors I am keenly putting my home into new and very exciting designs.  I borrow a little from only a few and am going into uncharted territory.  This project has been going on for about two years.  I am going to take some pictures to show people what I have done and probably blow them away.

I am also waiting for the full moon to some pictures using extra electronic equipment and other extras which create visionary art as if you were on some exotic unusual planet but with Earth's moon.

I am also (Sigh) going to take my visual meditation project to UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley to have the results tested scientifically with electronic equipment.  I had to leave the Professor I was working with in Chico before I got very far with it but I'm sure he could talk with a professor at another university.  This could be the discovery of the decade.  It would cure most eye sight problems and help with all kinds of mental disorders.

I would also want to teach people how to view a good computer animation for healing purposes.

So I hope that helps gives you an idea of good things in the works. 

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