My lips were sucked off my face, and now I walk a lonely street for miles, and I can not speak, my heart gone into a sewage song, and tabaco keeps me alive with my insect collection.

The special slang mobile is headed into the heart of Russia! The Russian Language will never be the same!

A possible cost is the person who played with time is no longer the same.

Messing with Time could have a price, but if a lot is at stake then why not?

The music got so bad everyone went deaf and blind.

We were being removed by the EXTREMELY HANDSOME MAN again, and again forever!

The universe is very determinded or should I say predetermined, as to make free will look impossible, but there are exceptions. They are like glitches in time, where the knowing person can change the outcome if he is bold or stupid enough.

How about God and Religion: God is hard to pinpoint and I don't understand enough. I do believe that God is real, but I don't think God thinks like us. God can see the big picture. God know us all very well. We are the darlings, but we do wrong so much.