Who is this Blogger Guy?

I'm cool with that for now as:

Super Blogger Guy!!!

And his friend Alice who is not sure whacko do with human chaos or dodo birds.  It is interesting on the bus and no ducks.  But the mouse was distressed!  As it was normal for rat to be distressed.  Alice liked the ruckus, but they had nothing but noices.

Inflate your self worth with giant ego baloons at the narcissist shop!

Tears fall, becoming ice, then baloons...

It is a good time to be a goat!

Healing is?

A difficult question and like many difficult questions has complex answers!

Basics don't cover it..

Your therapist or book may be incomplete.

So Mark help us!

I am not overflowing with solutions to life's problems and am not Mister know it All!

I can try to find you Mister Know it All who is wise in all things as long as you

Give him your ears for hours upon hours!

He will pump your head up in no time!

San Francisco sounds wow, fancy, wow, fancy, wow!

We all want the computer world to be a boon to humankind.

Issues exist:

Knowledge can get to be too important.

Relationships may get seriously impared.

Hear, hear..

No time to fear

Dream a better

Waters on fire

Your honey
pelting flower

Humming birds

An astarix

Bright stars

Dead of night.

Project melt evil.

Freedom from victimhood.

Today I saw my brother Ben and Visited my mom also!

I am also bouncing

With a new puppy pillow

As happiness is foggy


Also jolly

Vanish Vanity Cream

Your heart is a dream

Touch the max pleasures

On the intergalactic voyage,


Victory the legions declared!

It is the greatest ice cream Victory

The greatest ever in fact

He said as he ate

This is fantastic!!

Yes sir!!