We love ourselves too often and need reach out much more often. It is a social responsibility and it effects the environment also.
You want a better world, one thing..
Say something smarco?
Some kind of creative genius factory may get my vote of massive support.
Steven Hawkings may have won the reward with his amazing cosmic Monty Python Song and video.
Wow the request for a better world seems like nothing to a lot of people!
On shady days
Not the metropolis...
Coming down
Here on treasure island
If only greed was hunger
Or love was a lover
Coming down
It has to be
It has to be
My imagination
Cold has nothing precious
Though heartless ambitions
Ships for sale
An empty bay
Below the hill are cars
With fading lights
And celebrity stars
An empty bay
Dusky internet cafe's
Wheels turning.
Still the one!
Galaxies apart
They were instantly breakfast
Eat that sandwich
I hope to leave that mouth
Sunset in the Caribbean
So what is eating you
Mustard mustard
Wear your head
Where your heart is
Dont be dreams of sand
Your hands clenching
Would you like a rubber band
Summertime in the city
Wear your teeth nicely.
Moose fell into a black hole..
He found himself in an infiine other mooses.
This was the best place ever
And for the first time in his life
Moose was happy.