I dare say my website has gotten so big it can be considered a brand.

My website UPLIFTING THOUGHTS also is becoming a bit synonymous with the word phrase (uplifting thoughts) and even (uplifting) itself my be connected to my site.

My place is life is good.

I feel supported and protected

Hope is sewn into my way of life

I am a good person

I am a worthy person

I feel cared about

Luck is on my side

People enjoy being around me

My talents are helping the world

I can choose wisely

You got to know when...

It is love

The open wound

There in the dark

A light flashed

Lighting in your eyes

We can see

The winds colide

Lights arrive

It is love

Queen of the sea

She held herself

Queen of the sea

As the window flew

As the the glass shattered

The bridge came into view

Queen of the sea

Dreams flash.