Have you ever felt the weight of the world upon you? New weight of the world hats for sale!

Teck experts eat as much soup as the rest of us.

The AI will destroy the idiots by making them useful first and then turn them into hard boiled eggs.

Woman offered a million dollars or a trophy husband.. What did she pick?

Teens used to add some excitment to the dinner party.

Your teck girl friend might have knowledge of all and how about you, plus be cold hearted and extremely manipulative.

The future might be fast and stupid and really dumb.

The cat you love so much, has you fooled.

All these AI people are talking to us like a bunch of virgins.

We don't need to turn China into our super enemy. Lets find our own enemies and demons within.

Instead of seeking to know you are important, learn about what makes you you and your relationships with real things.