Democrats always seem to shift the blame very successfully onto the republicans. Now we know who the bad people are right?

I think God is like a Horse Wisperer and he/she actually wispers to us.

The scientific cause of evil is Bad Hygine.

What makes a dildo multi purpose?

How does life work? That is not an easy question, but don't fart when you are talking.

So she began to eat a chocolate donut which had beautiful sprinkles on top, then she smiled, and erupted into great laughter, the ceiling collapsed and she died.

There are Americans who seem to think that only violence causes bruises or bleeding. Otherwise it's okay! Unless you have sensitivity rights.

I like the way Jesus makes the abstract concrete.

How is the Better World Project going: A woman starts her carreer by winning the worst video of the year on youtube. Another woman wins the best actress award by being a dog.