Joe Biden is a good person. Regardless of his faults this trumps all them.

Israel may be doing a war crime, true. The radical other world of this is Jews end and a global super nazi regime begins with total absolute power over all life including squirels.

There is only one race that being human, and of course horse races.

One fact about America that is a good one for democracy is this odd one: We constantly elect a split government that is not mostly anything. It might look wacked, but also a collective forty years against one party rule. The democrats from 1930-1972. Not anymore.

No matter what you feel about AI, you are not clear about one thing. There were plenty of guard rails put up and people putting on the caution. Yes there are problems, and that's tecknology.

Antisemitism at the highest levels of education is not a joke. And someone better fix it.