I watched her make up and plastic surgery melt in the ozone heat, and she looked like a snake or some kind of reptile. I was interested!

We are under attack by monks from all sides, we are in need of assistance, mayday, sos!

We keep raising the interest rates and people are still bored out of their minds! We need help!

In America we tried making sex an olympic sport and what an epic fail that was. People said it was very very dull to watch, and Americans just didn't understand things.

I am the most popular non person in the world, even the computers, and ai dig me, they dig me!

I collect crabs, I'm crabby, my best friends are hermits, and I have a colony of crabs in my underwear.

I'm giving up on America and heading towards the Isle of Nymphomaniacs. Enjoy the American Experiment and try new drugs.

When I dream of humping it's always with my pet whale.

New Butt Shaped Screens are sure to engage your attention and keep it there!

It turns out that Biden's forehead is bigger than Trumps, and sexier too!

Given the choice I would give my love to a green slime, and why not?