South Korea has just won THE BETTER WORLD AWARD!!! Other countries include Japan, Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Germany.

England is now a Merit Nation.

Bill was aiming here:

You can check your brain hat in at the door, enter my palace, and stand for a while, there is going to be Bill Hole in a while, just you wait, he's going to be late, but remember he is nice, and he'll help you out, he isn't Jesus, but I believe he can help somehow.

If there is no heaven then perhaps space?

Mostly Economics may interest you: You must get enough money at some point in your life. Then when you get "Enough" then you start another phase. Today enough generally means over a million dollars..oh.

Who are the Zorg? Answer: A new type of undead creature that looks like a human.

New AI fat blaster machine muscle maker to bring you back to life, on sale soon!

If this turns you on I think I will go to Mars.

The irony of it is delicious.

It is not the shining red army anymore.