So the pandemic recession was in some ways a good thing? Yep.

Since 2020 has anything really different happened from my point of view. I live in the bay area and see the outer world from here. Much like an earth quake different areas were hit hard or not very hard. In less hard hit areas the question is was it better in 2019? The answer is likely NO! Finally the question can be answered.

I believe that now can be fog or storm, with little in between.

I have a lot of stuff floating around in my head, but not any interesting story. Enjoy the points of love, perhaps not everywhere!

I'm not sure what I want to use the computer for, not half baked thoughts, not. If I influence, then what? Perhaps I need to report back later!

She will put my jello in her toilet when I'm gone, so I can collect on the other side!

And I have always loved you just you, my darling my beloved tuna salad sandwich. My heart is united now!

If you have a beef with me we can work it out at a steak house and I'll pay the bill. Not Bill Hole!

I assume that I am not a simple cube, but if I was would that make any difference?

Miss Piggy to become my future ex swine girl bride. I love pork chops and bacon. Sorry.

Stop the train!