Thanks for putting up with me!

Every serious look into physics has made me want to cuss.

To keep physicists on their toes. Lots of love☺ with no time that would spell no matter also would it not?

Sorry to also say that anti-matterr could have annihilated all matter. That after all is logical.

Here 2 = 0 amd zero is not a number if 1 + -1 is the first problem. 2 is a weird number indeed. A number I find hard to trust and likely there is only one Bill Hole in this universe or multiverses.

He had not imagined having an idea. Nope! He was rich rich rich with many great ideas thst would rescue the princess and save the world from something he had forgoten about. Bill was now mote enhanced and soecial are ready! Its real Bill anf true love to boot!

If it feels good do it?

Winning is pnly half the pleasure.

America has had many close shaves is no excuse to grow out a big messy beard☺

Can Russia be redeemed? I sure hope someday there will be no others.

What would a moonbase be used for, and how about ethics questions that would come up?