Did America do the impossible? Yes and No. That any yes got in is a miracle. Don't tell me there is no angel in this nation, I don't want us to feel sorry for ourselves. Proud to be American. Why the fuck not?

My conspiricy theory about the virus is not, as my dad is a doctor, I knew the odds of a virus due to overpopulation are high, the highest area being Wuhan. Irony that the lab is there. As far as the jabs its our modern impatience that is the problem. Nobody could imagine waiting a year and a half. An eternity would be better. I do want some good apocylptic video games that use real locations. Thanks!

My reading comprehension is so fantastic that i can actually read boobs! Im unstopable! I'm really a speed reader as proven in compitition! So I'm better than you!

Bill Hole felt stuck but his legs kept him going. Yes it's love for the walk that has him moving into a sort of dream world that whistles as he goes. Welcomes are not around at the train station so much as garbage, some of it human some of it just plain trash. Your friends are nowhere to be seen.

Many you's don't exist. Nobody has a real dopolgander, you only get one shot.