Imagine traveling through a very long tunnel and arriving in a place totally identical to what the world looked like when you entered and the sun being in the same position. That is a bizarre example.

Speculative time travel? Perhaps most of reality is in a form of limbo. So “Real time spots may be rare and extremely collectible” then limbo is like unreality where nothing matters and meaning can’t be found no matter how hard you search.

The weirdness is how being here now then is not likely unless some new age book gave you comfort.

There is an argument that the present and the future can exist simultaneously just as it can with past so there might be no locality.

If the math of time doesn’t confound you then you are too confident.

To understand modern war conflict? It can’t be understood.

Can a city be lost,, as in a nuclear explosion. How did this play out with the two bombs that were dropped in Japan for instance. On the outskirts some people survived, they were nearly dead, bodies badly burned, my Grandfather saw a Godless place, and lost his faith then.

Can the past cease to exist? (Crazy questions can help in physics.)

The sign post post read infinite wonders in any direction. Just choose your own adventure. The red dots will get you there and the matza balls. Finishing is the act of divine effort and spirits. Mine objects take me as if a machine with a mind. A dream within a dream within a dream.

I am not this study!

Does reality exist? Perhaps not. The reality at least visually is not what it seems as things can both flatten and warp and turn brilliantly flashy.