Bill Hole felt his longings to jump through the hole, but just wimped out suddenly, sat down and covered his face with his hands..

What ever happened to my courage (he thought)

Still there was no other way out of the cave

There was no other way

No options! (Echoed everywhere)

Bill Hole stood up

It was time at last!

I often get ridiculously excited when writing a poem..knowing I may be creating a real something that has never existed before, and maybe going on a journey that has never been taken in which a new universe appears to be licked up like an ice cream miracle (s) forever!

My new best Friend is a rock buddy..

You got to love someone

Even an inanimate object

Cause now I've alienated



It is hard to loath, despise, vilify, Frankenstein, stigmatise, or witch hunt a funny guy!

I am not afraid of bats, but zombies yes!

Creeping around looking impatiently

To feed upon my brain inhuman fiend

I am scared to the clawing sounds now

Almost breaking the door down you

Freak from the lowest freak show

My cross is raised to the creep parade

Here comes the leader hungry horror

Leaping agility gets fast and faster no

The reason does not matter

She strikes with snakes

In her hair



Excess and extremes causes lava flow.

I fell over in the garden then suddenly my advanced reflexologist showed up!

Suddenly there she was, Rachel herself!!!

I was ready!

Eyes sparked as she ripped my socks off and tossed them into the flowers!

This is greeat!

Finally my life was real again as her fingers hurt and tickled!!!