Thoughts on poetry.

Writing poetry especially poetry is very rewarding.  I enjoy the process as well.  Unlike prose it has a greater challenge to it. There are some very confidently written poems, but many cause me to push muscles around in my head.  It feels good to surprise myself by doing this.  The result can feel as real as a painting in its effect on my imagination.  Is my poetry mostly symbolism?  I don't know.  A lot depends on how awesomely cool I think the poem is when I read it over.  Honestly I believe poetry writing will spread as more quality modern examples of poetry are created.  So poets out there get cracking.

I think the current structure of Europe, especially the EU will not continue for long.

I can't tell you which country is likely at fault.  I read something gloomy sounding over a year ago and knew that this is way to optimistic and not common sense.

This is one bloggers opinion.

Eating meat does not have a connection with animal torture.

But if a vegan insists that I love to torture animals then I will tell them they are cruel to vegetables.  We can become great enemies and canabilize eachother.  What a deal!