Fresh as ever

In midsummer

Caught near statues

Held almost by their gaze

As if to crumble

They remain.

Here to paint my brain with poetry. Yes poetry?

Thoughts either serve

Or they fry the brain

Drugs can melt it

But then that could cause frying

So time ticks and melting and frying exists

That is motivating

When others sometimes hurl ticks

Then the path does light up

Going forward or maybe so easilly


At the majestic road

Wedding flower open like shrouds

Her hand reaching to the sky

Lemons falling from each tree

Just symbolism or reality?

At the majestic road

Wedding flower open like shrouds

Her hand reaching to the sky

Lemons falling from each tree

Just symbolism or reality?

Like a death.

What was so bright and shining

Has no light now

Does not exist for mine eyes

It is now a black space

As if by God's black paint!

Now like a black hole!

Very strange!

The star I saw last night is no longer there.

Looking out into the darkness I could not make out the nebula.

I learned a lot from early video games.

The earliest

Pure joyful entertainment

Find an Atari

And make soup with it

Alpha Soup.
The loaded gun

Was bent

Then found

In the form

Of a black preztel.

Add then multiply into happy baby smiles.

Baby has some smiles

Sure goes the crochodiles

But baby just gives it a look of charm

Gadzooks his thing goes into time

Like red baloons from June love

Decode with the code breaker

But not the broken code


Mark what did you learn today?

I can be moody lately, and even irratible.

This is not normal for me.

I am dealing with a lot of stuff both good and bad

Yet staying on my path.
There's a crack in a hole in the ground

The the daisies come around

For they kiss past past midnight

Never knowing much at all

The sounds of frogs echoed

She was part of something

A sound growing in the clouds

For that moment when when

The new sounds arrived

All was mellow with water

And jive.

The tide is turning..