Soon I hope to share my optimism, but I do feel it!

Is there a perfectionist storm

Calling like the wind

To the hearts of us all

Can we hear the call

Is the whisper 

Audible enough

To bring us back

Back to love

To that magical place

To that village

Where we all belong

Inside the sea

Within us

To reach a place

Of peace and calm

Where anger subsides

Till things clear up

And hope is here

As like arising Sun

The moment 

The moment

When fear meets love

And the waters of change

Open for us

The brave 

The kind

The lovely.

If there are selfies then we need to counter that with lots of wefies!!!

Hods a great lamp

Shining darkness

And it had beauty

And that is something

For it open doors

In it sharp coils

This spin back and forth

With the nurse of spin

No no

You can not win

You can only break the chain

Into red ribbons

Facts are found

Like supporting rocks

And the rest burns

Carried far in the wind

To a land of peace

Where new things begin

And it is love

That does it


All was well

Even beautiful

It is understood

The coil is no underground

In the soil

And a lotus seed


Escape is rare..