This is direct denial of their First Amendment rights and is a key tactic of authoritarians. It is a bedrock of our freedoms. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.“ — First Amendment to the United States

About 2,000 American Jews have already left for Israel. Please stop. Don't cause this anymore.

We need to have a better way to charge people for an abuse of power.

I have the right to speak out because of my status as a physicist, and that means some clout.

The next people would have probably been the best and brightest in America. But we are still standing.

Any Jew or educated person will tell you antisemitism is often about what happens afterwards to those who thought they were safe and said nothing.

As long as evil exists, and I am sure it will, good people will always exist to oppose them, therefore there will always be good people.

Early in the violence directed at Jews on campuses I was shocked by how enemied Jews suddenly became. How could that have possibly happened? except by people in the shadows manipulating young minds.

Democrats who had an unquestionable love of power and it's abuse, never questioned the meaning of power.