As Israel feels like a hope for the future, I ask for a better world.

Since I am non-binary I suppose I can get some tran allies of mine own, which means everyone who isn't a white male and cis. But my being Jewish and white means I am not exactly an oppressor, since I get oppressed by nazis, but then trans can empathize and love can conquer! Eventually we will have to think this over.

A good day for Israel, Jews, and Peace itself.

Ukraine has a super weapon of unknown origin and power!

The better world idea should not be hard to understand.

So am I red or blue or purple? The next election I will have to figure that out.

I will be taking a special vacation, perhaps to hang out with God, maybe Jesus. Your support is simply to hang in there and get to the end of the year. Bless you all.

Change doesn't mean this: