With Trump in office boys might discover something about scary girls.

In rage she said his nose picking would add to the war effort if the donkey's were fertile enough.

Seems like I'm wanted to go, to, comic book territory, and watch, amazing movies?

The sin of the present can write like ink upon us all, we are all part of it, and evil becomes us if we cease to care, and cease to act, and lose courage. So commit yourself more in the future.

I long to live in a country where stupidity and dishonesty are not super celebrated, and wisdom and common sense are held up high.

A return to the wild days of Hitler are over with: The new policy would direct the federal government to cancel student visas for what the White House calls "Hamas sympathizers." KOMO News spoke with students and organizations on both sides of the issue at the University of Washington. Some pro-Palestinian groups are calling it a threat to their free speech, while a Jewish organization said it’s needed to protect Jewish students from campus harassment and violence. The president’s order would cancel the visas of non-citizen students who were found to have broken the law during protests.

A day in politics. Turn up the volume on politics now, as to find bliss in liberal bias, enter the fray, turn on your outspoken opinions, and cut them down to size. Just kidding.

We have seen some creepy stuff and were really creeped out!

When freedom opens up a bit the sound is distinctly American. Try a farting bald eagle eating cheese dip and you begin to understand.